Laboratory, all Latvia
Auramed, LTD, Health center( 0100-00189)
Health center "Auramed" offers state-paid services at qualified family doctors O.Maļinovska, S.Sazonova, T.Geletko. Paid services are also available at the neurologist I. Golubeva. Specialists will advise you in urology, a urologist's consultation with transrectal ultrasonography of the prostate is available( TRUSI) . The physiotherapist, assessing your functional condition, will perform massage, therapeutic exercises, taping. Available laboratory tests, eye tonometry, ECG, venous and muscular injections, vaccinations. We work with insurance policies. Patients with functional disorders( also in a wheelchair) reception takes place in a separate reception room on the 1st floor by appointment( no dedicated toilet available) .
Helga-Med, LTD, Medical center
iVF Riga Ģenētikas centrs
iVF Riga, infertility treatment and reproductive genetics clinic
iVF Riga Cilmes šūnu centrs
In Latvia in 2016. the first national stem cell bank was opened - iVF Riga Stem Cell Center. The stem cell center received a special permit for the use of cells and tissues № AC-7 from the state institution - the State Agency of Medicines. Now the residents of Latvia also have the wonderful opportunity to get biological insurance, first of all, for a newborn child, as well as for the whole family. A contract for the storage of umbilical cord stem cells can be concluded at the stem cell center iVF Riga. Storing stem cells in Latvia provides an additional guarantee, as the risks associated with transportation are eliminated.
Ava-Clinic, leading gynecology and reproductive clinic
"AVA clinic" - EUGIN clinic network, the leading infertility treatment clinic in the Baltics and Northern Europe, specializing in infertility treatment and embryonic genetics, as well as offering a comprehensive range of services in gynecology and obstetrics. The experience of AVA CLINIC proves that good infertility treatment results are ensured not only by the latest equipment, applied methods and high qualification of specialists. The decisive factor is the attentive doctor's attitude towards each couple. The collective mission of the team - to give new life - unites all the specialists of the clinic. The mission of the clinic - to give new life!
Daizes, Neimanes, Sizovas ārstu prakse, LTD D.N.S.
Alerģisko slimību izmeklēšanas un ārstēšanas centrs, medical society
E.Gulbja laboratorija, LTD
Laboratorija ir lielākā klīniskā laboratorija Latvijā, kurā veic bioķīmiskus, mikrobioloģiskus, ķīmiskus, imunohematoloģiskus, hematoloģiskus, citoloģiskus, imunoloģiskus, biofizikālus, citoģenētiskus patoloģiskus no cilvēka vai dzīvnieka iegūtu materiālu izmeklējumus, ar mērķi nodrošināt slimību diagnostiku vai veselības novērtēšanu. Laboratorijas speciālisti sniedz konsultatīvos pakalpojumus visos laboratorijas izmeklējumu aspektos, kā arī klientiem, ja nepieciešams, palīdz izvēlēties piemērotākos izmeklējumus.
Embrions, reproductive Medicine Center
Akadēmiskā histoloģijas laboratorija, LTD
Pašvaldības SIA Ventspils poliklīnika
LTD "Ventspils poliklīnika" provides services of family doctors and medical specialists. Wide range of profile exams:
✓ X-ray, ✓ mammography, ✓ osteodensitometry, ✓ ECG, ✓ cycle ergometry, ✓ USG, ✓ Rehabilitation services, ✓ Home care, ✓ Mandatory health checks, ✓ Driver and Gun License Health Commission, ✓ Laboratory.Medical institution code 2700-24101.
N.Kovriga ārsta prakse bērnu ķirurģijā, LTD
Natalija Kovriga is a certified pediatric surgeon, who obtained her pediatrician degree in 1985. in 1986, completed an internship at the Riga Medical Institute( currently Latvian Medical Academy) in children's surgery of professor J. Under the leadership of Gaujien. After that, he worked for many years in the central children's traumatology department of the 5th Children's Polyclinic in the city of Riga.
in 2000, a contract was concluded with the Riga Regional Health Fund and permission was granted to establish a doctor's practice, then a contract with the State Agency of Mandatory Health Insurance( currently the National Health Service) and established physician practice in pediatric surgery.
From 2008, N. A doctor's practice in Kovrig's pediatric surgery received permission to provide secondary outpatient health care services at a public cost.
Biocon, LTD, Laboratory
Pārventas poliklīnika
Cilmes šūnu banka, LTD
M. Grūsles ārsta prakse, LTD
. Grusle's doctor's practice in Rujiena offers patients medical outpatient care.
✓ Medical outpatient assistance ✓ Home visits ✓ Prophylactic examinations ✓ Vaccination ✓ ECG ✓ Intra-articular blockades ✓ Ear lavage ✓ Laboratory tests ✓ Issuance of statementsTučas I. family doctor practice
Ilona Tuča's medical practice in Madona provides medical services, vaccinations, newborn care, and also issues driver's medical certificates. In practice, the accessibility of the environment for persons with functional disabilities is ensured.
Dr. Būmanes ģimenes ārsta prakse, LTD
Dr. In Būmane's family doctor's practice, patients perform blood and urine tests. Cooperation with NMS laboratory, which collects materials every day and delivers analysis results. Available ECG, injections, bandages, vaccinations. Home visits. Accepts new patients. In practice, there is access to the environment for people with disabilities. Practice Code 6408-00004.
Via Una, LTD
Medicīnas centrs "Via-Una" ir sabiedrībai paredzēts medicīnas centrs, kas nodrošina plašu klīnisko aprūpi un veselības pakalpojumus. Mūsu mērķis ir nodrošināt augstas kvalitātes veselības aprūpi, ieviešot inovatīvas metodes un piedāvājot plašu spektru medicīnas pakalpojumu, lai apmierinātu klientu vajadzības. "Via-Una" ir pilnībā aprīkots medicīnas centrs, kurā strādā pieredzējuši ārsti un medicīnas personāls, kas ir apņēmības pilni nodrošināt jūsu veselības labklājību. Mēs piedāvājam dažādus medicīnas pakalpojumus, tostarp vispārējo ārstēšanu, speciālistu konsultācijas, diagnostiku, laboratorijas testus, vakcināciju un rehabilitāciju.